The 1A Project
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A Collective Conscience of the One Africa Identity.
~ Founder's Note ~

Here’s to the Crazy Ones:
The ones who see things differently..
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.
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1AMov is space for creative and progressive solutions for the greater good of the people of Africa working as One; with a sense of common purpose for shared prosperity; Hereby The 1A Project.

The people of Africa can partner across countries to do business in a bigger way, more effectively and more profitably. They can partner in various technological frontiers with powerful and uniquely African ideas.

They can borrow the best of what has worked in other places and apply it to Africa at a continental level which would also increase the visibility of contributions made by Africans to the progress of the human civilization.

The 1A Project Sectors:
Content posted on 1AMov is categorized under Eleven 1A Project Sectors as outlined below.

This enables the audience on 1AMov to navigate easily to content on issues they are passionate about and to readily reply to posts.

Select a project sector and post your business ideas, knowledge, expertise and opinions about it.

(See: Create Post >)

01. Business Posts, Collaborations, Partnerships & Intra Continental Trading.
  Are you selling a product or service?

Are there opportunities near your that you can partner with people around Africa and the World for mutual benefit and profit?

Do you possess skills, talents and abilities that can generate an income for you and others?

Let the world know who you are and what you do.

Do you think your products or service would do well in other African countries and partnership with people in those countries?

What resources do you need? What experience and expertise do you have?

For example:
Do you deal in authentic traditional African attire and accessories?

Post your video and pictures and invite partners across Africa and sell more.

Do you have a special dish, recipe or beverage that you are convinced could do well in other African countries?

Post your cooking videos and articles, generate fans and customers accross Africa and the World. Attract partners and sponsorships from hotels to food seasoning makers, etc.
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  The 1AMov Business Development & Networking Division may contact the owners of submitted business ideas to explore suitable partnerships and investment opportunities.

Strive to be clear and concise in your submission. (We recommend Videos not exceeding 4.5 minutes or Text not exceeding 1,500 characters.)

02. Free movement of people and goods across African countries
  Are you an border logistician or border customs expert?

Do you travel accross African countries frequently? What barriers do you think are not helpful?

Do you import, export or transport goods across African countries? What do you think has worked elsewhere that Africa can adopt to improve movement of people and and trade?
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03. Solutions to language barriers, Cultural Differences and the Selection of the National Languages of One-Africa
  Are you a language professional, language teacher or linguistics expert?

What language or languages would be best to serve as national languages of Africa for business and other purposes?

You could post langauge lessons or lectures to enthusiast of African languages you are proficient in such as; Kiswahili, Lingala, Nigerian Pidgin, etc.
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04. Private Sector, Unified Industrialization, Trade, Economic Development & Technological Research
  It is time to think seriously about taking your business beyond your borders.

Do you have ideas, expertise or have a business operating in Agriculture, Medicine, Mining, Renewable Energy, Clean Transportation or other industries?

What barriers to better business and profits do you know about or face that you think are unnecessary or easy to eliminate?

How do can Africa better protect, benefit and utilize her Natural Resources?

Are you an academician or economic expert in Trade Economic Development and Industrialization?

How much should the issue of climate change be a priority to African economies?

How can Africa invest and participate in space exploration and extra-terrestrial settlement missions?

What would we need to do to create a One-Africa Space Agency?

What would be best? To have it as a government or as a private sector enterprise?

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05. Culture, Religion, Food, Arts, Sports, Entertainment & African Values
  Put your world and culture on display!

What special places or experiences near you would you invite Africans and the World to come and see?

Are you an artist seeking to collaborate with other African artists? A producer?

How can Africa improve on its arts and content creation?

How can it build a bigger paying audience and market for it's musicians, actors and athletes?

How can Africa better utilize technological advancements to grow its entertainment industry and spread important societal values?

You could create an online video mix collaboration, a rap contest, etc and Post it. Get fans, event promoters and sponsors such as multi-national corporations operating in Africa.
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06. Finance, Economics, One Africa Currency, Central Bank & Revenue Collection Agency
  Are you a currency and forex market expert?

How feasible is it to have a One African Currency, Central Bank and Revenue Collection Agency?

What would need to be in place?

You could create videos and text posts teaching Africans how to participate profitably in forex markets, etc.

Post your One-Africa currency name suggestions and designs and see what Africans have to say.
  What do you think about the One-Africa Hela?
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07. One Africa Leadership & Governance, International Relations, etc
  Giving examples of developmental achievements, which African leaders are getting things done right and how can the rest of Africa give them more support?

Are there inspiring events, progressive infrastructural undertakings and other development projects that you know about or happening in Africa and near you?

Any good examples of principled, corruption free and tribalism free leadership or leaders near you that should be celebrated, emulated and supported by the whole of Africa?

Let the Africa and the world know.

How should One Africa relate with the rest of the world and vice versa?

Which countries in your opinion are likely be supportive of One Africa?

Would One Africa be an ally of consequence or a cause for concern to other world governments?

Share your thoughts.
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08. National Security & Defense
  What can Africa do to establish a centralized future facing One-Africa Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency and a Unified Defense Force?
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09. Education: A Unified Curriculum?
  Are you an education systems and curricula expert?

What needs to be done to develop a unified curricula for the scholars of Africa?

What would it need to contain most importantly?
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10. 1A Talents
  A showcase of top brilliant, principled, high achievers from Africa to provide leadership and guidance, to initiate and manage ventures and projects in Africa and in the 1A Project.

Do you have someone in mind?

You can nominate any person from Africa such as: Students, Professors, Entrepreneurs, Doctors, Scientists, Industrialists, Military Officers, Engineers, Incumbent and former Heads of state and any other high achieving persons.

Submit your post with details of your nominee, their notable achievements, educational background and clear photo and let Africa vote for them

Your nominations will also help 1AMov identify 1001 persons suitable for 11 positions that will form the 1A Directors Council.

The 1A Project is a Movement for the growth and prosperity of One Africa.
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11. Daily Life, Ideas, Discussions, News, Presentations, Freestyle Conversations, Classes, etc.
  For articles and videos of your Inspired thoughts, Current affairs, Social issues,  Business, Health & Fitness, Politics & Governance, Philosophy, Law, Theology, History, Art, Folklore, Relationship and Family issues, Sciences, Mathematics, Engineering, Medicine, Chemistry, Physics, Space Exploration, etc.

Share your ideas, knowledge, experience and concepts that can move Africa to the next level in development, cohesiveness and shared prosperity.

The place for the smart people, geniuses, scholars and professionals.
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While history cannot be ignored and the VERY MANY crimes and injustices committed against Africa, this space is not particularly intended for intense discussions and rethoric on slavery, colonialism, lost ancient cultures, civil wars, experiences with racism, etc. It's about seeking real solutions for Africa's development.
1AMov is about the FUTURE of the present and the coming generations of the people of Africa; 1A Project is an Industrialization Movement that will power the Evolution of One Africa.
Eye wey dey cry, dey still see road.

1AMov is open to all the people of the World.

What is your vision for the prosperity of all in Africa?

Feel free to participate from wherever you are.

Post your videos and text and see what other people have to say about your ideas and opinions, particularly people of Africa.

A Collective Conscience of the One Africa Identity will emerge soon enough as Africa strives to attain Industrial Development and Shared Prosperity.
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