1AMov Profile Details
Fill in the information as required.
Fields marked with * must be filled for creation of your account .
Your Full Names:*
Email Address:*
Password (8 Characters Min):*
Preffered Username (25 Characters Max):*:
Country of Residence:*
Town / City of Residence:
Country of Origin:
Phone No: (+XXX XXX 000 000)
Date of Birth or Business Start (Date-Month-Year):*
Your slogan (65 Characters Max):
Type of Account:*  
Optional Information (Tap to Open)
Also available on your profile after signing up.

The information you have provided will be used to enable you to view and post content on the 1AMov Application. It will be used to send you messages by the 1AMov Application and will also be used to associate this device with the activities performed by the user on 1AMov.
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